Friday 29 January 2016

Know Interesting Tale About Dakor With Tour And Travels In Gujarat

Dakor City is a myth of the cauldron, and being there is like taking a drink from the legendary waters. It is known as "Khakhariu gaam" because of Khakhra trees once a sleepy village, crack it uses a large number of khakhra (purple ore) of trees. It is said that fairy Dank had his practice, so the temples and villages, he was named Dankpur or Dakor, and Danknath Mahadev temple stands in Gomti Lake. When you are approaching from the distant temple you see Ranchhodrai Dakor invite pilgrims Shikhar beautiful tall swaying flags. Tanmay Mahaprabhu and Mirabai have both come here to pay homage to the idol.
The Director Purnima (full moon), the temple town woke month, tens of thousands of colorful holiday tourists. Bodana reverence inspired by the legend, even up to today many believers walks great distances. But remember, only tasting accompanied by tea or on behalf of the Greek (yogurt), after their lip too gotas, Dakor your adventure is complete. 
He walked every six months to Dwarka to worship Lord Krishna which named is “Vijayanand Bodana”, Dakor of Rajputs. He made unremitting efforts and enduring until he was 72 years old at this point he became increasingly difficult trek. Feel sympathy for this faithful devotee, the idol of Krishna directed him to bring a bullock cart in a dream, he subsequently visited Dwarka. At midnight, the Krishna idol broke open all the doors Dwarka temple, awoke Bodana, told him to take him to Dakor. They rested for some time near Bileshwar Mahadev on Dakor - Nadiad road. Krishna touched the branch neem tree, and to this day the tree is said to have a sweet branch, but the rest of the branches are bitter.
Hidimba Van and Rishi Dank
In the past, Kheda district is known as "Hidimba Van." This is the Mahabharata hero Bhimsen killed a demon to marry Hidimba. There he lived in a fairy Dank Dakor fertile land, then the latter immortal name called Dankpur. It is said that Shiva, pleased the immortal dedication, granted his desire to stay in his hermitage which is in the form of a Linga. At present the linga stands as a sacred pond Gomti Bank of Danknath Mahadev Temple. For more: visit Dakor with the best tour and travels in Gujarat.

Monday 18 January 2016

Kite Festival With Tours And Travels In Gujarat

Gujarat is one of India's most diverse and beautiful country. Thousands of large and small fairs and festivals, is celebrated every year in different parts of Gujarat. The festival is based on the lunar or solar calendar. These festivals are observed with great enthusiasm and fun in which all castes and religions participation. Today, these festivals Perhaps the only real chance of Gujarat traditions and culture representatives. Some of them are annual celebrations in Gujarat, fairs and festivals are international kite festival, Diwali, Holi, Janmashtami, Kutch Mahotsava, Navratri, Shamlaji Fair, Modhera Dance Festival, Tarnetar Fair, Bhadra Purnima director and Vautha Expo. 

International Kite Festival is celebrated on January 14, to coincide with Uttarayan or Makar Sankranti festival. This festival is celebrated to mark the end of winter.

On this day, kite flying all over Gujarat, including Ahmedabad and Baroda. People eat special food on this day, in the open field, or in the park, or in the garden in their own homes. The festival marks the sun moved to the northern hemisphere. Who believe the gods have a long sleep six long months sober and open the gates of heaven.

Tourists visiting temples and freely distributed alms. In kite flying start at dawn and continued without pause throughout the day. When friends, neighbors and strangers compete for each other's strengths and victory cries filled the air, they cut each other's kite. This is used to fly the kite line before the last day of a specially prepared by experts.

Special mixture of glue and ground glass cover dried and then rolled to the thread called firkees reel. At night, a variety of lighting box kite, called tukkals, flying in the sky. Today, the international kite festival is celebrated around the world. This festival in Ahmedabad who can see visitors, some of which are true works of art brought unusual kite. For more: kite festival with tours and travels in Gujarat.

Friday 8 January 2016

Explore Lothal With Gujarat Tours And Travels

The museum was established in 1976 to show the artifacts from 1952 to 1961 the museum has three galleries excavation and recovery. In front of the gallery depicts the presumed idea Jalapa town Lothal artists. Also introduced write -ups and maps about the site. In the gallery on the left side there is the showcase beads , clay jewelry , seals and sealing , shell and ivory , copper and bronze objects, obtained a copy of tools and pottery from excavations .
Right there in the game gallery target animal and human figurines, weight, pottery, tombs and ritual objects from small pottery, brick restoration in addition to the object of a joint burial of copies and Lothal scale model of the site. 5089 excavation unearthed objects, 800 objects are on display in the museum.
In addition to the exhibition of antiquities, Lothal most wonderful antiquities are beads, talc Along with unicorn patterns and inscriptions, terracotta elephants pattern, the Persian Gulf type seal, gold necklace copper / bronze hooks, bracelets, vegetables the story on the stand, perforated seal jars, cans painted thirsty crow and cunning fox, terracotta cows, horses, model boats, mummy mode, ivory and shell compass scale, chess dice, etc.
The museum has a small library and sale of publications published by the archaeological site counter.

How to get there

By road: Lothal is 78 km from Ahmedabad. From Ahmedabad by bus need three hours.

Railway: Ahmedabad is the nearest railway station.

Aviation: Ahmedabad is the nearest airport. The site is open from dawn to dark, Admission is free. For more: Best Gujarat tours and travels.